The Wife Contract and Love Covenants Manga Chapter 422

No. Why the cliffhanger I can`t wait for the next chapter Ahhh kha kha kha is such a smart and amazing decision πŸ’œ Thank you for your hard work Mangakiss That`s it, Kha Kha, do the right thing, choose Ye because he loves you so much more than anything else in this world!! I can`t wait to see the next chapter. Thank you Manga Kiss for the update. You always make my heart beat, thank you for all your hard workπŸ’• Now tell us about your aggressiveness regarding the long family. This is half the truth; who vilified anyway Wahhhhhh oma`goodness yes do the right thing 😍 yes kha kha forgive him wealth and power is not life what you just want so forgive him and start ayieeeee….